Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Top Misc Content on Internet

Top Misc Content on Internet

Carefully Consider the Advantages of Condo Living

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

If you are wondering about the advantages of condo living, you should be forewarned that living in a condominium is much different than living in a home built for a single family. If you are one of those buyers, then you would be willing to pay a premium for location and whatever amenities may be included. One of the advantages of condo living is that they are often located close to downtown.

Common Scams to Avoid With Credit Repair Services

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

Credit repair has gotten a bad reputation because a few companies saw an opportunity to make a quick buck and seized upon that opportunity. Well here are a few tips to avoiding some of the most common scams in the industry.

Unemployment Assistance Debt - Light at The End of The Road for Jobless

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

Unemployment assistance debt is a voluntary program that is currently available in many states across America. The brilliant program is delivering hope to every unemployed American who is eager to get off the ground.

Debt Crisis Assistance - No Longer Need to Fear Credit Debt

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

Debt crisis assistance is currently expanding more than ever to help millions of Americans pay back their debts.

Federal Grants for Debt Relief - How Can These Grants Help Our Economy?

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

Being in debt has lead to many consumers not spending, but how could debt assistance better the economy?

Grants for Credit Card Debt Relief - Making Your Financial Struggle Easier

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

If you want to get the help you need, you should get lots of information of assistance provided for debt relief.

Consider Home Loan Modification Hardship Assistance For Your Modified Loan

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

With the financial and housing situation currently taking place, the current Administration has a home loan modification assistance plan that will help many homeowners with being eligible for a home loan modification.

The Only Way to Get Help is With Loan Modification Attorneys

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

Your financial history can help or hurt you, so working to get a loan modification agreement with your lender can be almost impossible. To make sure you have a good chance of staying in your home employing a loan modification attorney may be a great option for you.

It Is A Hassle to Try For A Loan Modification With an FHA Loan

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

Americans who have FHA loans are finding it difficult to meet the requirements of a loan modification.

What Are Different Kinds of Life Insurance Cover

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

All of us want to carry life insurance coverage in order to really help guard our households once we have died. Ones family members will already be overwhelmed by the loss and suffering, and won't need to have extra strain from the encumbrance of additional obligations, along with extra bills.

How Free Credit Counseling Can Help You

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

It's easy to get into debt, and not so easy to dig yourself out of a debt hole. Free Credit Counseling services are available to help people educate themselves on how to manage their money and get out of debt. So how do they work and where can you find them?

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina Real Estate Market Analysis

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

In this article you will come to know about the South Carolina Real Estate Market analysis which would be a great help if you want to buy a home in South Carolina.

Buy a House in Beautiful Charleston and Stay Close to Nature

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

There is no doubt that Charleston is a beautiful city and if you want buy a House in Charleston, this article would be a great guide for you.

Best Times to Trade Forex

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

An overview on the different types of forex investors who prefer to trade at certain times of the forex market. This article tries to explain the various potentials that can be found during the different geographic forex markets.

Purchasing a Home With Reverse Mortgage: Senior Options

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 09:00 PM PST

The Federal Housing Administration or FHA created one of the first reverse mortgage programs in the United States. Older Americans can use the reverse mortgage to supplement their social security, pay medical bills, do some home improvements, pay off the portion of the mortgage they still may owe and more. A reverse mortgage actually pays you, and it is made available regardless of current income.

Does SEO Copywriting Still Matter?

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 08:28 AM PST

image of Simple SEO Copywriting

If there's any one thing that can be said about SEO with certainty, it's that it manages to cause a lot of confusion.

For example, it seems like many people's idea of SEO was formed 10 years ago, and hasn't bothered to change with the times. Even an online veteran like Robert Scoble is completely clueless about modern best practices for search engine optimization.

So, before we go any further, let me answer the question posed by the headline . . .

Yes, SEO copywriting still matters.

Here's why.

Search is still the biggest game in town

"Pick your survey, search remains one of the top activities on the Internet and has been for over a decade," said search industry legend Danny Sullivan when I pinged him on Twitter. Danny pointed me to one such survey that shows search is the most common online activity after email, and that fact cuts across generations.

"People make billions of unique searches each month," said SEO guru Aaron Wall via email, "and unlike Facebook flittering, those people are in focus mode." In other words, compared with most Internet traffic, searchers are the most motivated people that hit your site.

If they're looking for a product or service, there's a good chance they're looking to buy it. If they're searching for information and your site provides it, you've got a great chance of converting that drive-by traffic into a long-term subscriber.

And of course if you're a professional web writer, whether freelance or with an agency, this discussion is purely academic. You try telling the client not to care about Google traffic, and let me know how that goes.

So, search traffic is clearly important, as long as it's targeted search traffic. Let's look at the elements that constitute the modern practice of search engine optimization so we can attract those highly-focused visitors.

Off-page elements eat the biggest slice of SEO pie

Take a look at the image below, generously loaned to me by SEOmoz:

image SEO pie chart

A quick review of the chart reveals that as far as SEO goes, what happens off your site matters more than what's on it.

  • 23.87% – The general trust and authority that your domain builds is the largest indicator of SEO success. As Authority Rules makes clear, what works for search engines is what works with people as well.
  • 22.33% – The number of links to a specific page matters a lot too… so think twice about link viability when your content is just out of the gate.
  • 20.26% – The anchor text of external links matters because this is Google's way of finding out what your page is about according to other people, not just you.

In other words, it's like my favorite saying goes:

What people say about you is more important than what you say about yourself.

In this case, Google wants to know that people are linking to you, and the words they're using (link anchor text), because that’s a more trusted relevance indicator. So yes . . . compelling content is always rule number one. But just like great content goes unnoticed without promotion, great content doesn't rank well if you don't make it clear what it's supposed to rank for.

But how do we get people to notice our content so they can link to it? That's where social media comes in. Blogging, social news sites, Twitter, Facebook – these are organic content distribution systems powered by your audience (and their friends).

It may come as a surprise that some of the brightest minds in social media are SEOs, and they're completely on the up-and-up and non-shady. It's just that they're too busy getting things done to proclaim themselves social media experts or some other nonsense.

The huge influence of "off-page" factors on search optimization is why I wrote the SEO Copywriting 2.0 series 3 years ago. I updated it for 2010, but it is still directly on point, because it deals with fundamental aspects of strategic content development that don't really change.

If you haven't, check out SEO Copywriting 2.0 to get more out of the remainder of this series. An understanding of content development strategies is critical before going the "last mile" with on-page optimization.

SEO copy is the "last mile" to strong search rankings

Are you familiar with the "last mile" problem in the broadband industry? You can have thousands of miles of high speed fiber optics carrying loads of data cross country, but if the final connection to the customer's home is aging copper or pokey coaxial, the benefit of the optical cables is lost.

Likewise, if you do everything right by building an authority site that Google trusts, but don't tell Google that your page content matches what people are actually searching for, the targeted traffic benefit is lost. That's what effective SEO copywriting does – it tells Google which words are the most relevant ones.

You don’t have to optimize on-page upfront. But you do have to begin with the ending in mind from a keyword standpoint, due to the importance of anchor text when people link. We’ll go more into that in part two of this series.

And if you ignore this SEO stuff? Sure, you'll get plenty of untargeted "long tail" traffic otherwise, but what good does that really do you? Even with an advertising business model, irrelevant traffic bounces off your site quickly, leading to disgruntled advertisers who don't renew. And if you're selling something, you're only burning bandwidth.

The beauty of building a reader-focused online presence based on valuable content is that you can do well even if Google hates you. But the irony is, if you actually follow that path, Google loves you.

Take advantage of that. It's the critical last mile of a well-rounded online marketing strategy that makes a huge difference to your overall success.

Traffic must convert, or why bother?

Now we come to the big point. Everyone loves traffic – it's addictive and strangely gratifying in its own right.

But traffic doesn't pay the bills. It's people who take the actions you need them to who do.

Going back to that confusion, many think that a search-optimized web page is some ugly keyword stuffed mess that sends people running for the hills on sight.

That's not true. At least not when done well.

Danny Sullivan said it well at the close of our discussion:

"Unfortunately, too many assume that SEO means trying to trick search engines. It doesn’t. It simply means building a site that’s friendly to them."

And that's what we've been talking about here at Copyblogger for four years now (and helping at the code level with Thesis). Now let's further explore on-page optimization specifics in this Simple SEO Copywriting series.

Coming up next:

  • Seven Best Practices for Effective On-Page SEO
  • Does Writing for People Equal Good SEO?

About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and CEO of Unglued Media. Get more from Brian on Twitter.

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The Third Tribe is Live (and on the move . . . )

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 05:52 AM PST

image of sign saying Private

Those of you who subscribe to the Internet Marketing for Smart People email newsletter found out on Monday what Brian and I have been up to for the past few months.

We knew it would be cool, because, well, we designed it to be cool.

We wanted to build something people would really get value from.

But still, when we saw what people were doing inside after the first day, we all looked around at one another and pulled a Keanu.


Inside the Third Tribe has been active for just under two days now. What's been happening so far?

  • Artists and SEOs and copywriters and entrepreneurs of every stripe are all giving each other business advice, feedback, encouragement, and ideas.
  • Nitty gritty conversations are springing up about promotional tactics, how to manage entrepreneurial stress, getting past roadblocks, finding our niches, and dozens of other topics.
  • Chris Brogan and Laura Roeder have been helping a Triber see how he can measure social media ROI in the real world.
  • A Triber mentioned frustration in putting the final graphic touches on his blog — and within a matter of minutes, another Triber stepped forward to lend her own resources and expertise. For free. Just because it felt like the right thing to do.
  • One passionate Triber decided to pull together groups of "Niche Tribers," who are already working to form cooperative bands to support and grow each other's blogs and businesses.
  • Tribers are arranging to meet up in Austin, London, Toronto . . . and more to come.

Here's the coolest part for me:

We didn't make this stuff happen

We provided a comfortable, user-friendly space. We're providing educational seminars. We're hosting Q&A sessions. And the four of us who founded the Third Tribe — Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, Brian and I — are part of the conversation, answering questions and sharing our perspective. But that’s the key . . . we're simply part of it.

The other part is the collection of entrepreneurs at all levels. Some of them are names you recognize, some are new to the game. But all of them are energized by the Third Tribe model of kumbaya respect and community combined with razor-sharp marketing strategy.

If you want to know more about how the tribe works and how you can get access for a very attractive price, here's where you can find the details. (If nothing else, you'd be smart to go check out Brian's copy approach — it’s prompted a huge discussion among members on its own).

On Friday Feburary 5, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. Central Time, the price goes up to $47 a month. So if you'd like to join in and check things out, this is a really good time to do that.

About the Author: Sonia Simone is Senior Editor of Copyblogger and a co-founder of Inside the Third Tribe.

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