Monday, August 23, 2010

Top Misc Content on Internet

Top Misc Content on Internet

Affordable Debt Help - Which Debt Relief Option Just Slashed Prices

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Debt relief help is given to people lying under huge debt obligation. This option has been made easy and convenient so that people can easily opt for it. The fees structure too has been reduced to make it convenient for the defaulters.

The Absolute Best Thing About the Hector Trader Forex Trading Course

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

There are many things that I liked about the Hector Trader Forex Trading Course, but there is one attribute that really stood out. Find out in this article.

Hyderabad Real Estate Market Investment Scenario

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

An article that discusses the current Hyderabad real estate market scenario and suggests profitable investment options for investors.

Online Design Tools Make Creating Advertisements Easy

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Find out how to use online design tools to create banners and signs to effectively advertise your business.

Is Debt Consolidation Good or Bad

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

If you have a lot of debts to pay off, then you might be thinking is debt consolidation good or bad? There are both advantages and disadvantages of debt consolidation, and that's what we attempt to explain here. Read on...

Day Trading Strategies for Beginners

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Looking for some day trading strategies for beginners? Then this article is an attempt to elaborate on some easy day trading strategies which you can follow and earn some profits. Read on...

How to Know When Forex Broker Reviews are Biased

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

How does one know which Forex broker reviews to trust and depend on and which do dismiss as subjective and false?

When You Process Debit Cards With A Pin Pad?

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Whenever people choose credit, I am supposed to look at the card, and often it has SEE ID written on the signature line.

Translator Job Description

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Changing written documents form one language to another summarizes the translator job description, but it is not as easy as it sounds. A translator has to have sufficient knowledge of minimum two languages and should have good grammatical skills.

Temporary Jobs for Students

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Temporary jobs for students can help them earn some money while they are still doing their studies. This article has some interesting temporary jobs for college students which you can do to earn that much needed extra income. So, keep reading to know more.

Group Problem Solving Activities

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Effective group problem solving activities are those which develop co-operation, communication, understanding and decision-making skills among the group members. Read on for four such highly effectual group activities...........

The Pros and Cons of Credit Cards

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Credit cards are beneficial to you when you know how to properly manage them. Once you lose control of your expenditures, you will find these cards could be detrimental to your financial stability. It is important that you, as a consumer, be able to differentiate between proper and abusive usage of these financial instruments. This brief article will give you a panorama of how to make credit cards work for you instead of working against you.

Vinyl Banners Make Affordable Eco Friendly Advertisements

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

13oz vinyl banners have the durability to be reused over and over again. Learn about their benefits and how to properly care for them.

Loans for People with Poor Credit

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Loans for people with poor credit have become the most sought after loans in these receding times of recession. The significant increase in the demand of such loans has promoted lenders to upgrade and develop loans that are granted to people with poor credit scores and ratings. To know more about such loans, read on

Police CRB Checks Filter Out the Criminals From the Society

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Police CRB checks are carried out under the proper guidance of the government agencies to permit the companies to access easily the past criminal records of a person they are going to recruit. Therefore, they help in filtering out the criminals from UK.

Obtain Now, Pay for It Later With Boat Finance

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

If you have seriously decided on acquiring boat finance, you have to know how to do in the first place. To get started, you have to find the right lender for your boat loan.

Image Search Ranking - Generating Valuable Traffic

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

There are a number of ways to generate invaluable traffic for your website and the most recent of these is image search ranking. You must consider that most web searches now are related to images and having them on your site will get you the number of visitors you need for business success.

Credit Card Counseling Pros and Cons

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

What are the credit card counseling pros and cons which you should be aware of before you opt for such services? If this is the question on your mind, then this article on pros and cons of credit card counseling will guide you in a systematic manner. So, read on to know more.

Presentation Ideas for Work

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

The following article suggests some effective presentation ideas for work, including fun, creative and interesting ways to make the presentations a grand success. Read on.........

Growth of Hospitality Industry in India

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT

Hospitality industry is considered one of the growing sectors of Indian industry. Accounting is the main drive of the hospitality industry as it has a critical role to play if industry must sustain its high growth.

Instant Article Wizard - Create high quality articles on virtually any subject in just minutes!

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:50 PM PDT

Instant Article Factory - Write Quality Articles In 5 Minutes!

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:43 PM PDT

Website Content Writing

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 05:01 PM PDT

One Stop Writing Serviceis aexpert writing support offering affordable SEO content, which will assist drive tons of traffic your way.

10 Ways To Use Recycled Content

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 12:14 PM PDT

Content Strategy - a knol by Jeffrey MacIntyre

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:25 AM PDT

The Write Stuff - Yahoo's Style Guide for Digital Content

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 10:12 AM PDT

Second And Park | Web Copy That Works by Tiffani Jones

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 09:40 AM PDT

Vuvuzela enters Oxford Dictionary of English - Telegraph

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 08:02 AM PDT

The Arts | 'This American Life' host Ira Glass brings his radio stories to Seattle | Seattle Times Newspaper

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 08:00 AM PDT

Textile (Markup Language) Reference Manual for RedCloth - RedCloth: Textile for Ruby

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 03:19 AM PDT

Breaking Up Large Documents for the Web - Part 1

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 02:06 AM PDT

Breaking Up Large Documents for the Web - Part 1

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 01:47 AM PDT

Breaking Up Large Documents for the Web - Part 1

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 12:20 AM PDT

Article Writing

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 12:20 AM PDT

AP Articles a Dedicated Article Writing Company, Which offers Article Writing Service, Content Writing, Essays Writing & SEO Article Writing Services In The UK.

Why Your Blog Doesn’t Make Money

Posted: 23 Aug 2010 06:32 AM PDT

image of roll of money

Not a single founding member of Third Tribe earns the bulk of their income from the blogs that are practically (or in Brogan’s case, literally) synonymous with their names.

Yes, they make some money directly from those blogs. But revenue directly from the blog doesn’t represent the bulk of their income. Not by a long shot.

So why do so many bloggers equate blog success with financial success?

Many, if not most, of the bloggers I see are hoping that their blogs will make them popular. They are also hoping their blogs will make them money. This isn't exactly surprising. Fame and riches are supposed to go hand in hand, after all.

But when you need a new stream of income tomorrow, you don't write ten more blog posts.

You create a new product. You launch an email campaign. You make a special offer. You network. You find a great new JV partner. You ask for referrals and check in with your current clients.

Similarly, when you want to get more subscribers for your blog tomorrow, you don't launch a product.

You write better content. You get more active on social media. You guest post on other people's blogs. You link to other good articles. You improve your SEO.

Building a profitable business and creating a popular blog are two different things

Related, yes. But different.

The most popular blogs you know do not make most of their money simply by racking up the subscriber numbers. They make their money with products, consulting, services, and advertising.

They make their money by running a successful business. The fact that they run a popular blog facilitates that business.

If Brian wants to launch a product tomorrow, he has a big, engaged audience to whom he can launch it.

Having a huge audience who will listen when you launch a product isn't the profitable part, though.

The profitable part is that Brian will create a product that his audience wants and needs. He'll run an informative and compelling launch. He'll have an affiliate program that works and a sales sequence that converts prospects into buyers.

Does the large subscriber base help with that product launch? Absolutely. But the blog itself is not the thing that's making money.

If Copyblogger, with its magnificently large platform, were to launch a terrible product with a really weak campaign and only promoted it with a few blog posts to this vast audience of readers, they wouldn't make enough money to pay my grocery bill.

Having a popular blog is not enough. You still have to build the business.

No, of course you shouldn't neglect your blog

There are many, many virtues to a popular blog: social proof, credibility, enhanced visibility. They're good for forging new business contacts and partnerships. They're good for attracting potential customers for the products you'll make or services you'll provide.

They're brilliant for creating relationships. I don't know my dentist as well as I know some bloggers. And I trust my dentist with my teeth even though he comes at them with a variety of pointy things with hooks on their ends. Blogs help us make those trusting, potentially valuable connections, and for that reason alone, they're worth pouring time and energy into.

But no matter how hard you try, your subscriber numbers are never going to magically transform themselves into your bank balance.

When it comes to making money, simply having a blog isn't enough. Now you have to take all the things the blog has given you — visibility, authority, a reputation for knowing your industry, social proof — and put them to work building you a profitable business.

Because it won't happen on its own.

If you want to use your blog as a jumping-off place for that business, though, Third Tribe has got you covered.

The seminar you'll want to listen to is the 4-part series on Building a Business Around a Blog, which features interviews with Sonia Simone, Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, Brian Clark, and Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. They cover a lot of ground, including:

  • The three factors your blog must have if you want to make serious money with advertising
  • Brogan’s two favorite ways to start bringing in revenue by using a blog
  • The specifics about where the bulk of their income really comes from (you may be surprised)
  • Why "blogging about blogging" isn't the way to go
  • How Darren uses surveys to build his business (and why Brian doesn't)
  • A quick creativity technique to develop the next killer idea for your business
  • How to handle pushback if your customers respond negatively to your products

I listened to all four of these interviews. And not once, in hours of discussing techniques, business-building ideas, and marketing strategy, did any of these bloggers say that the best way to make money was to get more subscribers.

They've got a few ideas for how to do that too, though. Because blogs are valuable — just not in the way you think.

You can get instant access to all four seminars (and a dozen more), as well as Q&A sessions and the web’s best networking forum for internet businesspeople, by joining the Third Tribe today.

About the Author: Taylor Lindstrom is a freelance copywriter and Assistant Editor of Copyblogger. She’s taking lots of notes about how to turn sharp copywriting into a profitable business.

Scribe for SEO Copywriting

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