Friday, April 6, 2012

Top Misc Content on Internet

Top Misc Content on Internet

Ready? Set? Blog!

Posted: 21 Feb 2012 01:16 PM PST

We all know there's a flood of blogs on the web and that sifting through them can seem like dog-paddling across an ocean. Don't be overwhelmed. Yes, there's the good, the bad and the ugly sites all vying for your attention. Nothing new about that. The question is this: how do you make sure your blog is the one your audience comes back to for insight and information?

Make it relevant.

There's an audience out there searching for relevant information. Providing insights and solving a problem (or two) is a great way to secure your reader's attention, but don't rush it.  If "content is king" then taking your time to brainstorm, and provide thoughtful, creative content must be a top priority. Don’t push it. Breathe. Ramble if you must before setting it in stone (after all, that’s what brainstorming’s about).

Don't be wordy.

I know it's hard, but try to keep your word-count down; being concise is the jewel in the crown of interesting writing. Don't make your audience wade through frothy paragraphs to find that one great idea you are trying to convey.

Consistency rules.

Again, I know this is difficult. Juggling social media can seem like having all the balls in the air and not enough hands to catch them.  Take a deep breath. If you plan on posting on your blog once a week then make sure you do it.  Keep your blog fresh.

Create a “call to action.”

Okay, I know this will be a blow to many of you, but your readers, at least many of them, aren't pining to write a reply.  They need to be asked. Do you have a question you’d like your audience to think about? If you want them to buy something, create a way for them to do it.  How about asking your reader to subscribe to your blog.  If you want them to come back, a specific call to action is needed. Sometimes it's the simplest of ideas that can make a difference.

Start with these ideas and build on them. Take notes when you find an idea that you're interested in, brainstorm, but most of all enjoy the process. Do you write a blog?  What do you find works for you?  Let us know.

First Post

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 01:47 AM PST

Hey All,

This is our first post for all of you to let others know that we exist….

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Posted: 06 Apr 2012 06:16 PM PDT

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Style Guide Pep Talk: Rah! Rah! Rah! « Brain Traffic Blog

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Unique content -

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 12:55 PM PDT

6 Content Tips: How To Write When You Have Nothing To Write About

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 11:27 AM PDT

How To Write Better Tweets | Small Business Trends

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:52 AM PDT

Contently: Empowering and connecting quality writers and brands.

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:17 AM PDT

The Content Strategist | by

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 09:56 AM PDT

The 5 Types of Prospects You Meet Online, and How to Sell to Each of Them

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:00 AM PDT

image of the number

If you’re producing content to promote your services, physical products, or digital offerings, obviously you want a return on investment for the time and effort you put in.

On the other hand, you’ve probably noticed that if you spend all your time relentlessly selling, you’ll alienate a good portion of your prospective audience.

The tricky problem for content producers is that various readers are at different awareness levels, depending on how long they’ve been reading and how much exposure you’ve provided to your offer.

And the way you approach your offer will change, depending on which stage your prospect happens to be in.

I was reminded by John Forde of Copywriter’s Roundtable that this is not a new problem.

Jack pointed out that Eugene Schwartz tackled this in Breakthrough Advertising back in 1966. Schwartz broke down prospect awareness into five distinct phases:

1. The Most Aware: Your prospect knows your product, and only needs to know “the deal.”

2. Product-Aware: Your prospect knows what you sell, but isn’t sure it’s right for him.

3. Solution-Aware: Your prospect knows the result he wants, but not that your product provides it.

4. Problem-Aware: Your prospect senses he has a problem, but doesn’t know there’s a solution.

5. Completely Unaware: No knowledge of anything except, perhaps, his own identity or opinion.

As usual, we often find that the “new” challenges we face in marketing have already been thought through decades before by bright people like Schwartz and David Ogilvy.

That means we don’t dive into directly selling to every audience member who finds our content. Instead, we use a variety of strategies — both direct and indirect — to make a case for the offer when the time is right.

Let’s take a look at how the five stages of awareness contained in a 40-year-old book can help you craft content that works for your marketing goals.

The five stages of reader awareness

1. The Most Aware

These are long-time readers who aren’t customers yet. These are the ones you can speak most directly with, but you’ll need to make sure that those direct messages are not hurting your chances with those at different awareness levels.

Strategies: Take these readers “off road” for periodic offer specific messages delivered via another channel, such as a high quality email newsletter. You can also do occasional offer announcement posts in between regular content, or tack on a P.S. to a relevant article.

2. Product-Aware

These people are still not sure if what you offer is right for them, even though you’ve educated them about it with some creative content marketing. They don’t want to be pummeled with offer information, because they’re hung up at an earlier stage of the conversion process.

Strategies: If your content hasn’t made your case for you, you probably need to shape your content to more fully address prospect questions and objections. (Again, the email autoresponder is an excellent tool for this.) As always the key is to deliver real content with independent value that also demonstrates a benefit of your offer … with a link, of course, to a well-crafted landing page at the end.

3. Solution-Aware

This person has a need, perhaps subscribes to your blog, but doesn’t yet know you offer a solution to their problem.

This is where content marketing will shine for you. This is the perfect person to offer a white paper, free report, multi-post tutorial delivered by email, webinar, or other high-value content.

Strategies: Be sure you’re engaging this reader’s attention, normally via an opt-in email list, so you can let them know about everything you have to offer. Keep the ratio of content to offers high, to keep their interest and build rapport.

4. Problem-Aware

This person knows they have a problem … but they don’t know you. They haven’t yet been convinced to subscribe to your blog and begin a relationship with you. They might have arrived via a search engine or through a social media channel. The key point is they don’t yet know or trust you.

Strong content with independent value is critical to everyone in your audience, but it’s these people who most need to see the value up front to get on board as a subscriber.

Strategies: We’ve covered this topic quite a bit, so if you’re a new reader, check out these resources:

5. Completely Unaware

This is your typical social media news traffic, the kind that might come in from Twitter or Pinterest.

They aren’t necessarily looking for anything about you or your offer … they’re just responding to a piece of content you put out.

This is why I don’t favor link baiting with off-topic content. Sure, you get backlinks, and that’s good. But wouldn’t it be better if you got links and boosted your audience too?

Strategies: When you’re creating content that is specifically designed to attract attention and links, keep it related to your ultimate goals. Traffic just for the sake of traffic is a waste of time when you’re selling something other than ads — and the advertising game is a tough one to win online.

Value first

No matter what stage you find your prospect, the content that attracts audiences in the first place has to offer value — it’s as simple as that. Pitching relentlessly from your content platform is a business-killing error for most (if not all) of us.

Again, you’re creating content in the first place to promote your business, and there’s no reason to be shy about that fact. But if your posts don’t offer independent value (telling more than selling), you’ll lose your audience’s trust … and that means that soon, you won’t have much of an audience at all.

Editor’s Note: This is a Copyblogger Classic post, originally published in October, 2007. We’ll be republishing classic content from the archives from time to time, updated — as this post has been — to be sure the advice is as relevant as ever.

About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger, CEO of Copyblogger Media, and Editor-in-Chief of Entreproducer. Get more from Brian on Google+.


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