Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Top Articles & Content Writing on Internet

Top Articles & Content Writing on Internet

Design Rant

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 02:46 PM PDT

Become a Successful Demand Studios Writer

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 01:09 PM PDT

Tips for Writing Good Documentation

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 12:51 PM PDT

Cyberpunk - a short story by Bruce Bethke

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 12:43 PM PDT

The short story that coined the term "cyberpunk" back in 1982: "I wrote the story in the early spring of 1980, and from the very first draft, it was titled "Cyberpunk." In calling it that, I was actively trying to invent a new term that grokked the juxtaposition of punk attitudes and high technology. My reasons for doing so were purely selfish and market-driven: I wanted to give my story a snappy, one-word title that editors would remember. Offhand, I'd say I succeeded."

The art of slow reading | Books | The Guardian

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 11:00 AM PDT

via Kim C

Bev Vincent " Apparently I Write Like a Girl

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 09:49 AM PDT

"In 2007, I was invited to submit to an anthology by an editor with whom I'd worked in the past. The general theme was near and dear to my heart and he was offering pro payment so I was willing to participate. I had a story that I thought would be a match. We spent a few weeks going back and forth, with me performing significant rewrites to satisfy his requests, and ultimately we arrived at a version that both of us were happy with. (Note this fact—it's also important.) The editor sent me a contract, which we both executed. End of the story, right?"

Charlie Brooker | Forget those creative writing workshops. If you want to write, get threatened | Comment is free | The Guardian

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 08:28 AM PDT

John Waters | The Paris Review

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 06:34 AM PDT

Kurt Vonnegut explains drama | Derek Sivers

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 05:16 AM PDT

i never knew...

Giving You A True Definition Of Copywriting.

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 12:58 AM PDT

Article by Tracy Matthews at 2010-08-17 05:17:23 Categorized in article marketing,

5 Top Effective Article Marketing Tips

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 11:51 PM PDT

Article by Oneil Lee at 2010-08-17 06:35:08 Categorized in Article Marketing,

NSFW: Bye-Bye Seymour – Like Any Sensible Narcissist, I’m Locking My Twitter Account

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 06:04 PM PDT

5 Steps For Novice Copywriters.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 04:33 PM PDT

Article by Tracy Matthews at 2010-08-16 23:01:17 Categorized in article marketing,

The origins of abc | I love typography, the typography and fonts blog

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 04:31 PM PDT

Article Writing Tip Sheet

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 03:44 AM PDT

For information on how to write articles, written very much, and new on this topic, probably have nothing to say. But I still try, to put in my couple of lines in the overall content on this topic.
To start to define the topic. It would be good if topic of your article coincided with the theme of your site or product you sell. Well, if the subject at the time of this writing, is very popular on the Internet. But nothing serious that you do not adhere to these tips, you can write articles on those topics in which you are good.

Once the theme is selected, begin to make a plan for future articles. It will help keep your thoughts in the right direction.

That’s what my plan was for this article: a) introduction; b) the choice of theme; c) a plan; d) tips for writing; e) Surreptitious advertising; f) ad unit; g) the title of article; h) keywords; i) conclusion.

As you can see, the plan consists of the following items: an introduction, sections, conclusion. – Introduction – a few lines, what will be an article. – Sections – a number of questions that you want to disclose in the article. – Conclusion – conclusions from what you wrote.

Once a plan is drawn up, begin writing the article. For better visual perception of your article, follow these tips: a) the language of writing should be comprehensible and accessible; b) proposals should be simple and short; c) paragraphs 4-5 make proposals; d) Use bulleted or numbered lists.

Remember that your article should not be open advertising, the biggest – is a hidden advertisement. Or, for example, one possible option: I sell e-course on how to as soon as possible, organize your business on the Internet for creating and selling e-books. To promote your product, I wrote an article entitled “Electronic books as a means of enrichment,” in which there is no word about my electronic course, but in which I described all the benefits received by the author of e-books. In fact, this article is an open advertisement, but not my e-course and e-books as such. That is, I do not advertise himself selling goods and products, which can be obtained with the help of my goods.

Advertising insert in the same ad unit at the end. In the ad unit enter the product name, your motto or slogan, your name, address, e-mail address of your site.

The title should attract attention. No matter where you put your article, it will be located at not one, but at least 5-6 articles, or rather not the articles themselves, but their names and brief descriptions. Here’s to the user from all submitted chose your article, take the choice of the title very seriously.

Before you publish your article, decide on what search queries you want to find its users. Do you pick keywords that are on the medium and low-frequency queries. Example: – The word book, they ask hundreds of thousands of users – is a high-request. – Words e-book, seek tens of thousands of users – is a midrange request. – Word of the creation of electronic books, requested hundreds of times – is a low-pass request.

For every 100 words of text articles, there must be 3-4 key words. 2-3 key words in bold and insert the link to your site, preferably on separate pages.

On the next day or two (after you thought that your article is ready for 100%), once again, please read it and you’ll be surprised to find how many need to alter and refine.

Before you publish an article, such as a) check your spelling; b) give to read your story to friends, relatives, listen to their opinion.

edu directory

Create a Well-Formatted Document

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 04:53 PM PDT

Some time ago I posted an article titled "Basic Computer Skills for Authors." Then I wrote an article titled "Converting for Kindle" that gave tips on how to format a document and upload it to Kindle using basic HTML. After reformatting Word documents for clients, I realized that a third article is imperative, "Creating a Well-Formatted Document." 

Consistent Format

When reviewing a document before I begin to reformat, the first thing I notice is inconsistency, as if the author were thinking, "Shouldn't documents have multiple font settings, font sizes, and headings? Isn't a document that's fully clad more appealing to the reader? Shouldn't I show the reader that I'm mad by doing this to the word mad: MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" 

No. They shouldn't, it isn't, and he shouldn't. 

Using Format Tools for Efficiency

The second thing I notice is that authors may not use Word's formatting tools. Spaces are used to center, multiple paragraph breaks are used to push content down to the next page, and tabs are used instead of a left indent. 

If a client is preparing a manuscript for publication, including e-book publishing, simple formatting is important. Sticking to basic fonts like Times New Roman or Arial is a good first step. In fact, e-book readers have pre-selected fonts, and most platforms will convert fonts they can't read. 

Formatting Techniques 

1. Always save the document before you make any major changes, such as reformatting. If it's a new document go to File > Save As, indicated in the image below. If it's a document that has already been saved, just click the diskette icon on your menu bar. You can also use the keyboard shortcut "ctrl + s." Hold down the "ctrl" key while pressing the "s" key on your keyboard. If your document is new, using this shortcut will prompt the File, Save As menu to appear so that you can name your document and save it in a file. Save frequently, especially before making major changes.

Click on image to enlarge.

Word has an autosave option. Go to Tools > Options, click the Save tab and check "Save AutoRecover info every: . . . ," then specify minutes. 

2. Turn on your formatting marks. Click the icon indicated here:

Notice the formatting marks in the image below. The arrow pointing down and to the left indicates a "soft line break" (shift + enter). The other symbol is a paragraph mark that indicates a "hard line break" (enter). The arrow pointing to the right is a "tab" mark. All the dots indicate spaces.

Click image to enlarge.

Formatting marks don't lie. They show you where you've been inconsistent in your formatting. They can be annoying when typing. I turn mine off when typing and turn them on when reviewing and reformatting a document. 

3. Make sure your rulers are showing. Go to View and check Ruler.

The rulers will help you align and adjust consistently and show where margins are set. 

4. Use a first line indent for paragraphs. To create this indent, move the top triangle shown below.

Click image to enlarge.

Don't space or tab the first line of a paragraph to make the indent. Tabbing requires you to adjust each paragraph manually. Spacing leaves lines uneven. Automatic first line indents allow all lines to adjust at once, creating uniformity and less work. Furthermore, margin settings are much easier to adjust later if you want to change the size of the indent. 

Use the hanging indent to align subsequent lines after the first line. To do this, move the bottom triangle shown above. The hanging indent is used for bibliographies (APA style) and numbered or bulleted lists. Most authors won't need to use the hanging indent in their manuscripts as long as the body contains conventional paragraphs. 

5. For block quotes use the left indent. Move the square indicated below. Notice in the image below, the entire paragraph is moved over 0.5", hence a "block quote."

Click image to enlarge.

When you move that square, the first line indent and hanging indent both move. 

6. If you want your text to start on a new page, do not do this:

Go to Insert > Break, and make sure to choose "Page break." Another way to insert a page break is to use "ctrl + enter" on your keyboard pad. Do this at the end of every chapter to make the next chapter start on a new page. 

If an author does the above "no no" to a book he plans on publishing, the published pages will not have the same page breaks because paper sizes and font sizes will be different.

Be in control of your document

It's important that authors are in control of their own work and are very clear and consistent when creating their documents. Knowing publishing and printing procedures, and knowing where to go to become familiar with such procedures, is also important. Otherwise the author may not be happy with the end result. These techniques will ensure the author is pleased with his work. 

In the end, my best advice is to take a basic computer class. Unfortunately, many people who haven't learned basic computer skills are quickly being left behind. Computers, software, and the Internet are constantly changing. Even people with more refined computer skills have to learn new things to stay proficient. Authors who don't have strong computer skills may miss publishing opportunities. Weak computer skills may also contribute to poor Internet book marketing, resulting in low e-book sales. 

Other Resources

–Alina Padilla

Behavioral Merchandising - How To Launch Your Holiday Marketing Strategy In 10 Man Days Posted By: Pontus Kristiansson

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 08:59 AM PDT

Behavioral Merchandising - The Holiday Launch Plan How to Launch Your Holiday Marketing Strategy in 10 Man Days The Avail Holiday Launch Plan provides a detailed step-by-step plan to quickly launch a Behavioral Merchandising program on any eCommerce site, in time for the typical Holiday season "lockdown". Based on Avail"s experience from over 100 successful deployments at online and multi-channel retailers, it addresses what resources are required and how to structure the deployment project "If your company doesn"t have a personalization strategy in place for the holidays, now is the time to act," says Susan Aldrich, senior consultant with the Patricia Seybold Group. "It is essential for retailers looking to engage Holiday s ... eCommerce, online merchandising, etail, product personalization

5 Tips To Opening A Great, And Successful Ebay Store. Posted By: Ebay Store

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 05:25 AM PDT

eBay is one of the more straight forward ecommerce channels through which you can market your goods, however knowing the right time and the right way to go about opening a store can be difficult. eBay Store Design have a few tips to ensure that when you open your eBay store, it will provide you with an increase in sales and be a benefit to your company. 1.Design your store carefully, by an expert Nothing damages a business" reputation faster than poorly designed marketing, and your eBay store front is the face of your business as far as your eBay customers are concerned. This means that your eBay Shop Design must be clear, consistent and appropriate to your business as well as giving clear access to the necessary information your custom ... Opening an eBay store, eBay Shop tips, How to open an eBay

Advansys Are Journeying To The Middle East For The Internet Show 2010 Posted By: dianewilson

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 01:09 AM PDT

It"s not long now until Advansys Ltd will be jetting off to the Exotic Middle East for the Internet Show, Middle East 2010 which will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Centre, UAE on the 21st -22nd September 2010. Hosted by Yahoo Maktoob, the major portal site for the Middle East, the internet Show will be the biggest forum and exhibition for companies wishing to expand internet take up and technologies for a market place that has not been known for taking advantage of the capabilities of public internet. This trend has significantly reversed in recent years and the Middle Eastern internet industry is rapidly growing in size and expanding its offerings to a market determined to take advantage, not only of the opportunities off ... Internet Show Middle East, Internet Show UAE, Abu Dhabi

Ideas To Save Money When Buying Items Online Posted By: Anya

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 12:06 AM PDT

Shopping online can be something that has been all-around for more than 10 years so. It's referred to that you might have many money saving deals when selecting things on line that may help you lower your expenses. Learn about what you ought to do to actually not spend as much when you are making buys on the net. One spot to get bargains is to apply sites. You should use Ebay as well as various other online sites similar to this that provide discounts. If you're attending to as well as seeking for the right items you'll find used and new items that are much more inexpensive than you will definitely get in any shop. There are many overstock online sites that are available online. Internet websites purchase up things that stores have ha ... Cigar Digital Hygrometer, Digital Hygrometer For Humidor

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